Receive resources from Kari that will compliment your current curriculum, and inspire new thinking amongst your students!
How It Works
Kari-Lynn will send your class a story manuscript that has not yet been accepted for publication.
Read the story manuscript to your class and ask the students to respond using activities that you might typically do in your classroom practice (i.e.. vocabulary, character investigations, poetry, etc.)
Please keep a record of these activities (e.g. photos of the process, work samples, projects)
Provide a brief write-up, describing what your class did. This will help me and others understand what areas of the curriculum that you focused on.
As a class, please e-mail any comments or questions that the students may have about the manuscript, about any Kari’s other books, or about the process/craft of writing.
Kari will revise the manuscript, carefully consider the students’ suggestions, and will send the revised manuscript to a publisher. If it does get accepted, Kari will include your class in the dedication and will send you a copy of the new book.
Online Examples of Authors-As-Mentors Projects
Mary Snow’s class (South Bristol, Maine) working with a manuscript entitled The Protector.
Marci McGowan’s class (Spring Lake, NJ) working with a manuscript entitled Jeffrey and Sloth in the Rainforest.
Beverly McNeilly’s class (Alturas, California) working with a soon-to-be-published book and ipod/iphone app entitled Oh Ducky Day. Published by Gumboot Books, 2011.
Photos from Various Schools’ Authors-As-Mentors Projects
(used with permission)

South Bristol School, Maine

South Bristol School, Maine

South Bristol School, Maine

South Bristol School, Maine

South Bristol School, Maine

Mrs. McGowan’s class

Mrs. McGowan’s class

Mrs. McGowan’s class

Mrs. McGowan’s class

Mrs. McGowan’s class

Mrs. McGowan’s class

Ms. McNeilly’s class

Ms. McNeilly’s class

Ms. McNeilly’s class

Ms. McNeilly’s class