Bios For Media Use
The following bios are prepared for media use and may be copied without formal request, and here is a print-size bio photo.
“Kari-Lynn Winters is a picture book author, poet, and performer. She enjoys being in the classroom in any capacity, as a presenter, a teacher, or as a student. After finishing her doctoral program at UBC in literacy education, Kari-Lynn assumed her new job as Assistant Professor in the Department of Teacher Education at Brock University in St. Catharines, Ontario, where she teaches drama-in-education to and mentors teacher candidates. Previously, Kari-Lynn also taught in North Carolina, Oregon, Vancouver, and Toronto. She holds a teaching degree from the University of Toronto for children ages 3-13. She is also a graduate of the National Theatre School of Canada in Montreal, where she earned a certificate in technical theatre. Kari-Lynn has over a dozen books published or in press, many of which have won reader’s choice awards. Read more about Kari-Lynn at her website, www.kariwinters.com, or on Wikipedia.”
“Dr. Kari-Lynn Winters is an award-winning children’s author, playwright, performer, and academic scholar. Sixteen of her picture or poetry books have been published or are in press. An experienced teacher of writing, she has worked with students across Canada and the United States, including pre-school, special education, primary and intermediate, high school, and university teacher education. Kari-Lynn is an assistant professor at Brock University in St. Catharines, ON. Her research interests include drama in education, children’s literature, literacy, and multimodal forms of learning. More information about Kari-Lynn can be found at www.kariwinters.com”