Buzz About Bees Teacher’s Guide, written by Sonja Sweet (Fitzhenry and Whiteside, 2013): BuzzAboutBeesTeachersGuide.doc [5MB]
Jeffrey and Sloth QR Code Treasure Hunt – Download your own copy of the QR Code Treasure hunt! Want to make your own QR Code Quest – visit the tutorial and information page at Handy4class.com
Transforming Storytelling in the 21st Century”, prepared by Lori Lee Sherritt, Kari-Lynn Winters, and Vetta Vratulis for NCTE © 2008 — please contact Kari for the download link.
Jeffrey and Sloth Teacher’s Guide (courtesy of Orca Books Teacher’s Guides).
Jeffrey and Sloth lesson plan, based on Ruth Culham’s Six Traits of Writing.
Tumblebooks animated read-along movie, featuring professional voice actors.
Mrs. McGowan’s Class Jeffrey and Sloth activities: class project; kids poetry inspired by Jeffrey and Sloth; email conversations with author; activities; includes kids’ Jeffrey and Sloth Character Poems
Class project Authors as Mentors using the unpublished humor manuscript “O Ducky Day.” Includes teacher’s overview, kids’ art.
Writing and Doodling classroom exercise based on Jeffrey and Sloth by Keisa Williams, online at jeffrey-and-the-sloth-by-kari-lynn-winters-book-review-lesson.
Other Internet Resources
Literature for Kids index of authors
Canadian authors writing fantasy books for kids
Alphabet craft referencing Runaway Alphabet