People from St Thomas (Books LLC, Wiki Series, 2011)
CHML Hamilton News Talk’s “Home and Garden Show,” with Rob Howard, May 11 2013: download MP3 [9 minutes, 6 MB]
CBC Radio’s “All Points West” with Nikki Tate, discussion of Gift Days, March 25 2013: cbc.ca/allpointswest/bookclub/2013/03/25/picture-books/
Interview with Authors Like Us on podomatic.com, August 24 2010: M4A, 26:00 (13MB)
Interview with Book Bites for Kids on blogtalkradio.com, July 7 2010: MP3, 30:00 (7MB)
CBC Interview from TD Canadian Children’s Book Centre Tour, 2009: MP3, 07:43 (7MB)
Interview with Book Bites for Kids on blogtalkradio.com, October 15 2007:MP3, 30:00 (7MB)
Word on the Street Festival, Vancouver, 09/25/2005, interviewed by CKWX radio: Listen with Quicktime
Story 1, 29 seconds, MP3 (248K)
Story 2, 53 seconds, MP3 (432K)
Listen with Windows Media Player
Story 1, 29 seconds, WMV (132K)
Story 2, 53 seconds, WMV (232K)
Press Releases
The Welland Tribune, (2023, April 7). Local authors lined up for Author Day at Welland Public Library. https://www.wellandtribune.ca/news/niagara-region/2023/04/07/local-authors-lined-up-for-author-day-at-welland-public-library-saturday.html
City of St. Catharines. (2020, November 30). 2020 Arts in Education recipient. St. Catharines Arts Awards. https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=322210025707394
Surrey Board of Trade Special Achievement Award for Writers winner 2010; see Surrey International Writers’ Conference page and press release.
Government of PEI Children’s Book Week press release (PDF) — also hear CBC interview from this tour.
National Council of Teachers of English 2006 press release (PDF) for Kari’s panel session “Engaging Readers through Performance and Folklore,” November 19 2006
Graduate Teaching Assistant Awards:
Date: Wed, 30 May 2007
From: Office of the Dean at UBC [edited for brevity]
We are delighted to announce this year’s winners of the Graduate Teaching Assistant Teaching Awards. All three students are to be commended for their excellent contributions to teaching and to our Faculty. Recipients of the UBC Graduate Teaching Assistant Teaching Awards: Kari-Lynn Winters, Department of Language and Literacy Education Kari-Lynn is a very passionate educator who draws on her extensive background in theatre and literacy to inform her instruction. She is knowledgeable in her subject areas and continually finds creative ways of fostering student learning. She comes to classes well prepared, yet at the same time readjusts her plan if necessary to follow the energy and flow of the students. She builds from her experience as a classroom teacher to bring her subject matter to life, which authenticates her work with pre-service teachers. She establishes strong rapport with her students and has inspired future teachers. Kari-Lynn’s accomplishments were highly praised by both faculty members and students. She is a highly deserving recipient of a UBC Graduate Teaching Assistant Teaching Award.
2005 LLRC Master’s Research Award
Congratulations to the 2005 Winners of the LLRC Master’s Research Award The recipient of the 2005 Language and Literacy Researchers of Canada Masters Research Award is Kari-Lynn Winters of UBC. Kari’s thesis, Developing an Arts-Integrated Reading Comprehension Program for Less Proficient Grade Three and Four Students, was selected from a pool of 17 submissions representing all the regions of Canada. She was unable to attend the award presentation, but UBC’s Dr. Rob Tierney accepted the award on her behalf at the LLRC Annual General Meeting held on May 28th at the University of Western Ontario. Dr. Tierney spoke warmly about the richness of research and about Kari’s commitment to the field both as a researcher and as a literacy educator. Congratulations to Kari and to Marlene McKay of Brandon University and Tara-Lynn Scheffel of the University of Western Ontario whose names were also shortlisted for the award. [see pdf]
Newspaper Articles
“Brock University research urges more support for arts during and after pandemic” by John Law in St. Catharines Standard (May 16, 2021):
The arts will play an important role as Niagara pulls out of the pandemic, says new research from Brock University.
“The arts need to be continually supported,” said associate professor of educational studies Kari-Lynn Winters.
“The arts do more than what we think they’re doing: they bolster self-confidence and mental wellness, they leverage community building and reconciliation and bring about self-actualization, inclusion and embracing diversities.”
The St. Catharines Standard. (2020, October 26). Top honours handed out at St. Catharines Arts Awards Ceremony. Niagara Falls Review. https://www.niagarafallsreview.ca/entertainment/art/2020/10/26/top-honours-handed-out-at-st-catharines-arts-awards-ceremony.html
“New literary festival makes its debut in St. Catharines” by Melinda Cheevers in Niagara This Week (Oct. 2, 2016)
“Shining a light on St. Catharines’s emerging artists: Arts Awards coming June 4” by Melinda Cheevers in Niagara This Week (June 2, 2016)
“Striking a perfect balance between passions,” by Whitney South, in St. Thomas / Elgin Weekly News (October 6, 2015)
“Math, poetry and theatrical fun in Norwood,” by Bill Freeman, in Inside Belleville (September 27, 2015)
“St. Thomas author Kari-Lynn Winters turning kids on to environmental issues with her new book,” by Ben Forrest, St. Thomas Times-Journal (October 9, 2013)
“New ideas fuel anxiety as parents expect more from their children and educators,” by Sarah Boesveld. National Post (June 2, 2013)
St. Catharines Standard, May 15, 2013 (read online)
Niagara This Week, May 18, 2013 (read online)
Write: The Magazine of the Writers’ Union of Canada, 38:4 (June 8, 2011), p 32. “Air Lift to L.A.” by Helaine Becker
St Thomas Times Journal, August 2011 (read online)
“Cobblestone students, guests celebrate their love for reading” The Paris Star, May 2011 By Sylvie Berry:
There were cheers and applause for reading last Thursday at Cobblestone Elementary School.
Nearly 200 students from Grades 1 and 2 at Cobblestone, Agnes Hodge and Burford elementary schools gathered to engage in a series of activities and presentations all focused on literacy and reading.
All the students were celebrating the Blue Spruce awards — part of the Forest of Reading program — which represent a series of books nominated by the Ontario Library Association which then get voted by the students.
“All the students voted on their favourite book from 10 different ones and the book with the most votes receives the Blue Spruce Award,” said Tim Best from Cobblestone Elementary.
Special guests for the day were author Kari-Lynn Winters and author-illustrator Christina Leist.
Winters is an award-winning children’s author, playwright, performer, and scholar. She talked to students about many of her books, including Jeffrey and Sloth, On My Walk (illustrated by Leist) and aRHYTHMetic: A book and a half of poetry about math.
“Reading gives you power and opportunity. Every job and career requires literacy. And Blue Spruce provides children with a voice,” said Winters.
“Access Books and Airlift to L.A. to deliver books to inner-city school” From papertigers.org/wordpress/access-books-and-airlift-to-l-a-to-deliver-books-to-inner-city-school-on-october-2nd/
“Enthusiasm stacks up in Carson school’s book drive” By Ann M. Simmons, Los Angeles Times From www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-compton-books-20101003,0,4232247.story
The Sudbury Star (Ontario), February 2010 (read online)
Terrace Standard (BC), April 13, 2010 (read online)
St Thomas Times Journal (December 15 2009):
Winters on roll with new books
Putting pen to paper was like pulling teeth for Kari-Lynn Winters when she grew up in St. Thomas.
Now, pearly whites of children’s literature just flow.
Winters launched her fourth and fifth children’s books on Saturday in St. Thomas.
She’s on a holiday visit home. And she’s on the way — with husband, two children, two cats — from Vancouver and completing her PhD in arts as a way to bolster reading, to St. Catharines and an assistant professorship in teacher education at Brock University.
Winters stopped Saturday at the Talbot Teen Centre with a tickle trunk of props betraying her earlier post-secondary education in technical theatre, for a presentation to a young audience.
“I’m passionate about youth and literature,” she said... (read online)
Brief mention in Vancouver Sun, March 24, 2009 (read online)
St. Thomas Times Journal (Ontario), April 28, 2009 (read online)
St. Thomas Times Journal, 2008 (article excerpt)
St. Thomas Times Journal, May 27, 2008 (article excerpt)
Prince George Citizen (British Columbia), April 18, 2008 (read online). View article excerpt
St. Thomas Times-Journal (Ontario), June 30, 2007 (article excerpt)
Magazine Articles
“Can Write: Kari-Lynn Winters,” by Margriet Ruurs, in Canadian Teacher magazine 12:1 (Sept/Oct 2015), pp. 12-13, online at canadianteachermagazine.com (download PDF: canadian_teacher_2015.pdf)
Website Articles
“Education Associate Professor nominated for local arts award” by Tarryn Landman, in Brock News (March 9, 2020), online at brocku.ca/brock-news/2020/03/education-associate-professor-nominated-for-local-arts-award.
“Play brings Brock researcher’s work to life” by Tarryn Landman, in Brock News (December 14, 2017), online at brocku.ca/education/2017/12/14/play-brings-brock-researchers-work-to-life
“Brock prof brings pirate book to life” by Maryanne Firth, in Brock News (September 19, 2017), online at brocku.ca/brock-news/2017/09/brock-prof-brings-pirate-book-to-life/:
Kari-Lynn Winters, an associate professor in Brock’s Department of Teacher Education, shows her new book, Best Pirate, to Nathan and Danielle from the University’s Rosalind Blauer Centre for Child Care. Winters shared the story with a group of children from the centre during her book launch on Tuesday, Sept. 19 in Brock’s Instructional Resource Centre.
“Body Positivity Part 2: Interview with Kari-Lynn Winters” by Audrey Lockwood, in Keys to Y.A., November 20 2015, online at writelock.blogspot.ca/2015/11/body-positivity-part-2-interview-with.html
Brock News around Campus, Oct. 28 2015 (read online)
The Brock News, May 30, 2014 (read online)
Brock News Around Campus, March 25, 2013 (read online)
Brock News Around Campus, November 22, 2012 (read online)
“The Gift of Education,” by Julian Kitchen. Brock Education Journal 22:1 (November 2012), online at brock.scholarsportal.info:
Abstract: One of the greatest gifts is the opportunity to learn. Many, blessed with rich learning opportunities at home and in school, take this for granted. Many here and around the world are not so fortunate. Gift Days, a picture book by children’s author Kari-Lynn Winters (2012), is a powerful reminder of the limits to educational opportunity and a testament to how caring individuals can give the gift of learning in even the most adverse circumstances. Each of the articles in this volume offers a gift of education to learners and educators.
Read this editorial, and article about Gift Days, at brock.scholarsportal.info/journals/brocked/home/article/view/303.
The Brock News November 23, 2012 (read online)
The Brock News November 9, 2010 (read online)
The Brock News, April 19, 2010 (read online): A book by a Brock professor has been nominated for the prestigious B.C. Book Prize.
Interviewed by Cherie Givens for “Pre-censorship of children’s books: Curtailing the freedom of speech and expression of Canadian authors and illustrators”
“The Picture Book Buzz – Interview with Kari-Lynn Winters,” April 3 2017: mariacmarshall.com/single-post/2017/04/03/The-Picture-Book-Buzz—Interview-with-Kari-Lynn-Winters
“Body Positivity Part 2: Interview with Kari-Lynn Winters,” November 20, 2015, at writelock.blogspot.ca/2015/11/body-positivity-part-2-interview-with.html.
“What if you had unlimited time and money to market your book?” responses to Urve Tamberg, September 3 2012, at utamberg.wordpress.com.
“Kari-Lynn Winters’ Story,” an interview with Rob Sanders of Picture This! A Guide for Picture Book Writers, August 6 2012: robsanderswrites.blogspot.ca/2012/08/kari-lynn-winters-story.html.
A literary agent describes how I first got published: see the paragraph in redfoxliterary.blogspot.ca/2012/08/mission-accomplished-dog-loving.html.
“O Is for Onomatopoeia,” an interview with Rena J. Traxel, April 17, 2012: renajtraxelblog.com/2012/04/o-is-for-onomatopoeia.
Discussion of my work in Rena J. Traxel’s piece “R Is for Rhyme,” April 20, 2012: renajtraxelblog.com/2012/04/r-is-for-rhyme-tips-on-writing-stories.html.
Interview with Claudio Osmond, October 2010: claudiaosmond.wordpress.com/2010/10/26/toronto-tuesdays-interview-kari-lynn-winters.
Interview with Lori Calabrese, April 8, 2010: loricalabrese.com/rollicking-rainyday-walk, also online at Children’s Book Examiner.com
Interview with Simon Rose, June 26, 2009: facebook.com/topic.php?uid=45035902458&topic=9601
Interview with Lori Calabrese, September 2,2008: loricalabrese.com/a-world-of-stories-author-interview-with-kari-lynn-winters
Interview with Lori Calabrese, February 14, 2008: loricalabrese.com/author-interview-kari-winters
Interview by Cherie Givens for “Pre-censorship of children’s books,” presented at the 31st International Board on Books for Young People Congress (Copenhagen 2008)
Brock assistant professor Kari-Lynn Winters, author of Buzz on Bees, will be at Ball’s Falls Conservation area on Victoria Day to get kids excited about bees. The Community Day event runs all day, and Winters will be there at 1 p.m.