Listed below are Kari-Lynn’s scholarly publications. See also papers delivered at conferences and all publications.
Winters, K-L., Ratković, S., Hands, C. (2024). The arts cure: Innovating equitable education and during and after the pandemic. In B. Andrews (Ed.), Arts Education: A global affair. Brill Publishers.
Winters, K-L., Griffin, S.M., & Ismailos, L. (2023). Synchronicities and tensions in and outside of elementary classrooms: Perspectives on building collaborative, artful experiences. In H. Mreiwed, MR. Carter, S. Hashem, & C. Blake-Amarante (Eds.), Making Connections in and through arts-based educational research, vol 5 (pp. 257-269). Singapore, Singapore: Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-8028-2_19
Winters, KL., & Griffin, S. M., & Ismailos, L. (September 21, 2022). Synchronicities and tensions in and outside of elementary classrooms: Perspectives on building collaborative, artful experiences. Proposal accepted. In H. Mreiwed, M. R. Carter, S. Hashem, & C. Blake-Amarante (Eds.), Looking back to look forward: Making connections in and through arts-based educational research. Cham, Switzerland: SpringerBrief.
Winters, KL., Ratković, S., Longboat, C., Dénomme-Welch, S. (2022). Building Intercultural Mentorship, Wellness, and Wholistic Practice in Graduate Education: Scholarly Reflections on Playbuilding, Storytelling, and the Arts. Proposal accepted. In Ratković, S (Eds.), Monograph. Cham, Switzerland: Taylor and Francis.
Winters, KL., Gallagher, T., & Potts, D. (In progress, July, 2022). Creativity, collaboration and cross-age mentorships using STEM-infused texts. The Elementary STEM Journal.
Ratković, S., Winters, KL., Hands, C., Woloshyn, V., & Beres, J. (2022). Teaching, researching, and community building across virtual platforms and communities. International Online Experiences.
Winters, KL., Longboat, C., Ratković, S., Dénomme-Welch, S., Varghese, A., Ahmed, N., Miranda, H., & Yang, S. (2020). Displacement and belonging in Canada: Building reconciliation through literature, theatre, poetry, and film. In C. Parayre (Ed.), Im/migrant passages: Crossing visual, spatial and textual boundaries (pp. 126-139). Small Walker Press. hdl.handle.net/10464/14942
Griffin, S. M., Winters, KL., Vietgen, P., McQueen-Fuentes, G., McLauchlan, D., & Rowsell, J. (2020). Communities and constructions of zones: Inclusions of diverse learners through artistry and literacy. In Andrews, B. (Ed.), Perspectives on arts education research in Canada (pp. 1-25). Brill Publishers. doi.org/10.1163/9789004431409_001
Gallagher, T. & Winters, KL. (2020). Critical secrets: Tensions between authoring texts and the readability of leveled books. Educational Role of Language Journal. 1(3), 77-90. doi.org/10.36534/erlj.2020.01.06
Winters, K., Natasha Wiebe, and Mary Gene Saudelli. “Writing about Writing: Collaborative Writing and Photographic Analyses from an Academic Writing Retreat” (2019). In Critical Collaborative Communities: Critical Issues in the Future of Learning and Teaching, vol. 17, eds. Nicola Simmons and Ann Singh. See hbrill.com/view/title/55896.
Winters, KL. (2019). Behind the scenes: A children’s book publishing assemblage. Teaching and Learning. 12(1), 31-48. doi.org/10.26522/tl.v12i1.453
Ratković, S., Winters, KL., Kitchings, S., Yang, S., Spratt, B., Ahmed, N., & Vinod, S. with Decolonizing Canada Trough Art and Artistry. (2018). Five poems: Artistic pedagogy of the migrant soul. Teaching and Learning Journal, 12(1), 15-31. doi.org/10.26522/tl.v12i1.447
Jaipal-Jamani, K., Figg, C., Collier, C., Gallagher, T., Winters, KL., & Ciampa, K. (2018). Developing TPACK of university faculty through technology leadership roles. Italian Journal of Educational Technology, 26(1), 39-55. doi.org/10.17471/2499-4324/984
Winters, K. and Leslie Memme. “Tablets as invitational spaces” (2017). In Crayons and iPads: Learning and Teaching of Young Children in the Digital World, ed. Debra Hardwood. See sagepub.com/en-us/nam/crayons-and-ipads/book245571.
Winters, K. and Leslie Memme. “Digital Inquiry and Socio-Critical Negotiations in Two Early Childhood Classrooms” (2017). In Crayons and iPads: Learning and Teaching of Young Children in the Digital World, ed. Debra Hardwood. See Read online.
Winters, K. and Code, M. (2017). “Imperfect/I’m perfect: bodies/embodiment in post-secondary and elementary settings.” In Pedagogies: An International Journal 12, pp. 108-129. Read online.
Griffin, S. M., Rowsell, J., Winters, KL, Vietgen, P., McQueen-Fuentes., McLauchlan, D. (2017). A reason to respond: Finding agency through the arts. International Journal of Education and the Arts, 18(25), 2-23. www.ijea.org/v18n25
Winters, K., and T. Gallagher (2016 March). “Historical Perspectives of Canadian Children’s Picture Books: an Empirical Study of Canadian Literacy Practices and the Canadian Identity.” In Journal of Education & Social Policy 3:1, pp. 46-55. Read online.
Winters, K., Figg, C., Potts, D. & Lenters, K. (2015). “Engaging authors: How published authors inspire and strengthen students’ literacy practices.” In Nodelman, P., Reimer, M., & Hamer, N. (Eds.), New words about pictures. Routledge. See amazon.com.
Winters, Kari-Lynn, and Griffin, Shelley (2014). “Singing is a Celebration of Language: Using Music to Enhance Young Children’s Vocabularies.” Language and Literacy 16(3), pp. 78-91. Read online.
Rogers, T., Winters, K., Perry, M., & La Monde, A. (2014). Youth, Critical Literacies, and Civic Engagement: Arts, Media, and Literacy in the Lives of Adolescents. London, UK: Routledge. See routledge.com/books/details/9781138017450/ and www.tandfonline.com. See a review of this book by Kristen P. Goessling, published in Mind, Culture, and Activity (2016): youth_critical_literacies_review_goessling.pdf.
McLauchlan, D and Winters, K. “What’s so great about drama class? Year I secondary students have their say.” Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance 19:1 (2014), pp. 51-63. Purchase or read online.
Lenters, K. and Winters, K. “Fracturing Writing Spaces: Multimodal Storytelling Ignites Process Writing.” The Reading Teacher 67:3 (2013), pp. 227-237. Purchase or read online.
K. Winters & V. Vratulis. “Puppet Don’t Have Legs! Dinosaurs have digits! Using the dramatic and media arts to deepen knowledge across content areas.” Education Matters: The Journal of Teaching and Learning 1:2 (2013). Read online.
Winters, K. “Interweaving A/R/Ts and Graphy: Discursive and Seasonal Positions of Writing and Writing Instruction.” UNESCO Observatory Multi-Disciplinary Research in the Arts 3:2, August 2013. Read online.
Wager, A. & Winters, K. (published 2013; issue dated 2012). “Expanding Educators’ Awareness of Youth Homelessness through Critical Dramatic Inquiry.” Teaching and Learning 7:3. Read online.
Winters, K. (Fall 2012). “The Missing Tooth: Case Illustrations of a Child’s Assembled, Out-of-School Authorship.” Brock Education Journal 22:1, pp. 3-25. Read online.
Winters, K & Vratulis, V. (2012). “Authored assemblages in a digital world: Illustrations of a child’s online, social, critical, and semiotic meaning making.” Journal of Early Childhood Literacy. Journal link at sagepub.com.
Rogers, T., Winters, K., et al. (Sept., 2010). “Developing the IRIS: Toward Situated and Valid Assessment Measures in Collaborative Professional Development and School Reform in Literacy.” In Essential Readings on Assessment, ed. Peter Afflerbach. Newark, DE: International Reading Association. See at amazon or IRA website.
Winters, K. (Sept., 2010). Beyond Words: Using the Arts to Enhance Early Reading Comprehension. Birmingham, AL: Look Again Press. Purchase at Smashwords.com.
Winters, K. (2010). “Quilts of authorship: A literature review of multimodal assemblage in the field of literacy education.” In Canadian Journal for New Scholars in Education, 3(1). Download PDF.
Rogers, T., Winters, K., La Monde, A., Perry, M. (October 2010). “From image to ideology: analysing shifting identity positions of marginalized youth across the cultural sites of video production” (was: “Youth media production as new literacy practices: A play of genre, positioning and critique”). In Pedagogies: An International Journal, Volume 5:4, pp. 298 – 312. This article was later selected among Pedagogies 10th anniversary “Top Articles.”
Rogers, T. and Winters, K. (2010). “Textual play, satire, and counter discourses of street youth zining practices.” In Alvermann, D. (ed.). Adolescents’ Online Literacies: Connecting Classrooms, Media, and Paradigms, pp. 3, 91-108, and 207. New York: Peter Lang. Read online or purchase at Amazon. Revised edition 2016, pp. 109-126, purchase at Amazon.
Winters, K, Belliveau, G, and Sherritt-Fleming, L. (Spring, 2009). “Shifting identities, literacy, and a/r/t/ography: Exploring an educational theatre company.” Language and Literacy journal 11(1). Read online.
Winters, K. (2009). “Rumors.” In Rogers, S. (ed.) My First Year in the Classroom: 50 Stories That Celebrate the Good, the Bad, and the Most Unforgettable Moments, pp. 32-35. Cincinnati: Adams Media. OCLC number 262883176. Read online or purchase at Amazon.
Rogers, T., Winters, K., Perry, M., La Monde, A. (2009). The Youth CLAIM Project. NCRLL Newsletter, 36(1), p. 4.
Winters, K. (2009). “Authorship as Assemblage: Multimodal Literacy as Creative Play, Literature, and Drama” (PhD Dissertation). Department of Language and Literacy in Education, University of British Columbia. Read online (PDF).
Winters, K. (2006). “Book Review of Janice F. Almasi’s Teaching Strategic Processes in Reading.” Canadian Journal of Education, 29 (3), p. 911.
Rogers, T., Winters, K., Bryan, G., Price, J., McCormick, F., House, L., Mezzarobba, D., & Sinclaire, C. (2006, March). “Developing the IRIS: Toward Situated and Valid Assessment Measures in Collaborative Professional Development and School Reform in Literacy.” OCLC number 425074926. The Reading Teacher, 59(6), 544–553. Online at Reading Teacher .
Winters, K. (2006). “Letting Arnold Lobel Pack My Luggage: From reader response to composition strategies.” The Dragon Lode: Journal of the Children’s Literature and Reading Special Interest Group, International Reading Association, 24:2 (Spring 2006), pp. 46-50. Available as PDF archive.
Winters, K. Rogers, T., Schofield, A (2006). “The Antigone Project: Exploring the Imaginative, Active, and Social Dimensions of Drama, Print Literacy, and Media.” In Crumpler T., Schneider, J., and Rogers, T. (eds.). Process Drama: an Educational Tool for Developing Multiple Literacies. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. OCLC number 62152825. See more info online at books.heinemann.com.
Winters, K. (2004). “LLED 441 Course Manual. Vancouver: University of British Columbia.
Winters, K. (2004). “Developing an Arts-Integrated Narrative Reading Comprehension Program for Less Proficient Grade 3 and 4 Students” (Masters Thesis). Department of Language and Literacy in Education, University of British Columbia.
Winters, K. (2002). “International Reading Association Conference Reports.” Teacher Librarian.